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Contemplation: History, benefits and practice

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Do you think you always have to be doing something? Do you have a hard time standing still? Or do you think you do not even have time to think?

Nowadays, we seem to have lost the old habit of contemplation. Hence it is so difficult for us to relax. Doing nothing equals to being lazy and not being productive. However, taking care of ourselves, taking care of our mental well-being requires taking a halt sometimes. It requires not doing anything that is usually considered as “productive” and come to a rest in order to observe and reflect.

What is contemplation?

On the one hand it can be a matter of paying attention calmly to reality and what surrounds us. In the intellectual world, contemplation is considered the deep reflection on an idea. In a religious and spiritual sense we can talk about reflecting on divinity and faith; about transcending the intellect through prayer or meditation.

We can therefore define contemplation as a deep observation to nourish our soul and spirit.

The ancient practice of contemplation

We can go back to ancient Greece where Plato considered that, through contemplation, he ascended to divine knowledge. In Judaism we find references to meditation with practices of introspection, visualisation and contemplation of the divine. In Islam we have Muhammad climbing Mount Hira to contemplate life and its meaning.

Christianity defines contemplation as a state of awareness of the vision and union with God. In Eastern religions, such as Hinduism, Buddhism and others, the state of meditative consciousness is called Samadhi. As well, we find Tibetan monks and Zen monks as exponents of contemplation practice through meditation. But also the shamans of tribes practiced contemplation.

In all cultures and religions we can find contemplation practices. Beyond the examples of different religions, there is the farmer who sits to contemplate his fields after working them or the intellectual or philosopher who reflect on ideas and concepts.

Ergo, contemplation has persisted over centuries. Let us see why.

#Contemplation is the practice of profound observation or reflection which goes back to ancient times. Find out more Share on X

The benefits of contemplation

Contemplation calms our mind and spirit. Thus, it can help us relieve worries and stress.

It also leaves room for our mind to wander and then to focus again. This helps us clarify our thoughts and have new ideas. It allows us to find solutions to problems we were stuck with because of not taking time to contemplate.

Taking a halt gives us space to reflect on our life and our world. It even helps us clarify our priorities. Therefore the practice of contemplation is beneficial to our well-being.

Do you think you do not even have time to think? The benefits of #contemplation and taking a halt. Share on X
Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

How to practice contemplation

There are several ways to include the practice of contemplation in our lifestyle. According to the type of practice and the benefits that it entails, I will distinguish between spiritual and intellectual contemplation.

Spiritual contemplation

With spiritual contemplation I mean all those practices that nurture our spirit and soul. They are all those exercises and activities that allow us to connect with the greatness of our universe. Depending on your beliefs, it may be about feeling the connection with nature or with other people. It can also be the belief in something superior or divine.

Religious practice

In this sense, a religious practice of contemplation may be taking time to pray or study religious texts. It can also be a deep reflection on your religious beliefs, what they mean to you and what they provide you. They are activities that allow you to experience that union with the divine, in its broadest sense.

Connecting with nature

As for nature, you can practice contemplation by exposing yourself to it in order to feel that connection. Pay attention to the vegetation that surrounds you, walk in the park, go hiking in the countryside or the forest, climb a mountain, enjoy the views of a lake. Contemplate and absorb what surrounds you. Feel the peace and tranquility that nature infuses you and how it fills you with energy.

Spiritual #contemplation can be understood as searching the connection with the divine, greatness, nature or yourself. How to practice Share on X


Another contemplation tool is meditation. It is a practice that comes mainly from Eastern cultures. There are a variety of types of meditation that pursue different goals. Let us look at a few examples.

Vipassana meditation

Vipassana meditation comes from Buddhism and means “clear vision.” It pursues enlightenment through self-knowledge and self-observation. It is practiced by focusing your attention on breathing in and out of the nose. When thoughts, emotions and sensations appear, you pass them on without judgment.

Image by Sasin Tipchai from Pixabay
Zazen meditation

The Zazen, or shortly Zen, meditation comes from Japan. Zazen means sitting meditation. It is practiced sitting on the floor with your legs crossed, a straight back, your chin down, your eyes open and your hands on your belly. Zazen meditation focuses on abdominal breathing.

Meditation with mantras

There is also meditation with mantras. Mantras are usually phrases transmitted from Buddhism or Hinduism. These phrases are repeated during meditation to enter a state of deep relaxation and inner contemplation.

Mindfulness meditation

Another example is mindfulness meditation. Also in this case, breathing plays an important role. However, the goal is to pay full attention to the present moment in order to become more aware. Mindfulness meditation can be practiced sitting, lying, walking or eating. Same as in the case of Vipassana meditation, attention is paid to thoughts, emotions and sensations but without judging them.


As you see, there are all kinds of meditations for every taste and pursued goal.

#Meditation is one of the techniques for #contemplation. Which objectives pursue the different types of meditation. Share on X

Intellectual contemplation

By intellectual contemplation I understand those practices and activities with which we make our mind work and develop it at a more logical level. Basically it is about taking time to think.

This does not need to be about discovering the next invention of the century or a new chemical formula. I mean to take time to reflect on what matters to you and worries you. When did you take a halt for the last time to think about your life?

You could take time to imagine your dream life and be grateful for what you already have. You could reflect on your priorities and which important aspects you are neglecting. The contemplation time can also serve to think deeply about a problem that worries you, figure out its causes and possible solutions. Does it not happen to you sometimes that you are so busy that you postpone a concern over and over again?

Taking even just 15 minutes a week to reflect, can help you clarify your priorities and ideas. Another option may be to keep a diary in which to write down your thoughts, emotions and reflections. Putting on paper what goes through your head, clears the mind and can be therapeutic.

Intellectuals and philosophers already practiced #contemplation in ancient times. Why you should also take time for #reflection. Share on X

Do you enjoy the benefits of contemplation?

Do you practice any kind of contemplation? For what purpose? Which benefits do you notice?

After reading this post, do you want to take time for contemplation? Which type do you want to try and why?

Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay


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