[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Do you complain that you do not have free time? Or that you dedicate it only to obligations? Let us see why that is, how to gain time for yourself and how to enjoy your free time.
The feeling of not having free time
We know that the day has 24 hours and the week 7 days. But depending on your work, the commutes and your family obligations you may have the feeling of not having free time.
No matter if you have more or less free time, there are three factors that influence that feeling. First, whether you dedicate time to yourself, to things that make you feel good and you enjoy. Second, to what extent you consider day-to-day tasks and certain activities a burden. Third, how you organise yourself.
Why do you want more free time?
Many complain about the lack of free time. But if you had more time, what would you like to do? Which activities do you enjoy for which you think you do not have time now?
Because having more time to lie on the couch, watch TV or be distracted by your mobile phone in the end will not give you the feeling of having had more free time. I am not saying that there are not times for those things but if these are all your aspirations for your free time you will still feel dissatisfied.
That is why I suggest that you make a list of your interests, hobbies, activities and people for which or whom you currently do not find time or too little. Think of things you can do not only on holidays or weekends but also during the week.
Do you think you lack free time? What would you do if you had more? #Enjoy your #freetime Share on X

1. Dedicate time to yourself
Now that you have a list of everything you want to do, think about when you can do it. There will be activities that require some planning. But there will be others that you can do at home even if just for a few minutes.
The question lies in deciding how you spend your free time. Playing around with your smartphone or reading for a while. Distracting yourself on social media or calling a friend. Watching TV or preparing yourself a relaxing bath. Playing on the games console or going to the museum. Going home directly after work or taking a walk or hanging out with friends.
I want you to realise in which activities you waste time, which you could replace with something that you enjoy more, that creates new beautiful memories and nutures your well-being. Consider which activities will give you the feeling that time has flown by because you have enjoyed them, not that you have not done anything.
Know the feeling that time has flown by? May it be because you had #fun. #Enjoy your #freetime Share on X
2. What do you consider a burden?
Doing the shopping, the laundry, washing the dishes, preparing meals, cleaning … domestic chores are a part of life. In case of having children, we have to add taking charge of them doing their homework and preparing for school, for example. Be honest with yourself and think if you consider it a burden and an obligation.
You are not a bad person because of sometimes feeling that it is too much a burden or feeling apathetic. But in victim mode you will not solve anything.Ā There are things that we like less but we need to do. However, feeling overwhelmed is usually not due to some or other unpleasant task. It commonly derives from our professional and personal situation as a whole.
But we can alsways decide how we feel. We can complain all day or do what we least want as quickly as possible so that we have free time for things we enjoy more, such as our hobbies, playing with our children, meeting friends etc.
How do you spend your free time? Feel like it's all #obligations? Check the #attitude with which you do certain things. #Enjoy your #freetime Share on X

3. How to organise your private life to enjoy your free time
To enjoy your free time and have fun the trick is in the balance. The balance between planning leisure activities and giving you enough flexibility so that your personal agenda does not look like a work agenda. Therefore do not fill every minute of leisure time with plans and leave free slots.
That reminds me of friends who seem to run from one plan to another. You are enjoying lunch and they have to leave because they are meetingĀ other friends for coffee. There does not seem to be room for improvisation and simply enjoying the present moment and whatever comes up.
So plan leisure activities but allow flexibility to enjoy that plan when you are at it without thinking if you arrive late for the next appointment.
Do you plan all your #free time or don't plan at all? The trick for #enjoyment lies in the #balance. Share on X
Tips to gain free time
Returning to domestic chores and various errands, have you considered how you organise yourself? Are there things you could organise better so that they occupy less time? Here are two ideas that save minutes throughout the day which can turn into hours a week.
Group errands and purchases
Are you one of those who buys bread or milk every day? Every time you think of something, you go and buy it? And the next day again, and the other and the other. If you add the commute, going through the aisles of the store, possible waits at checkout, how much time do you spend on those tasks? Time that you lack for other activities.
That is why I usually keep lists of “purchases” and “errands” in which I write down what I come up with. That way I go and buy everything I need at once and reduce the likelihood of forgetting something. In addition, I try to organise the trips to do several errands on the way.
So think about what tasks you can group together so that they will take less time.

Prepare food for several days
It is not something that I usually do because during the week I eat out. But if you eat at home or take lunch to the office you may want to rationalise the preparation of meals. Why not cook the next day’s meal while you prepare dinner. Or take one day a week more time to prepare food for several days. That way you can spend that time other days on more entertaining things.
I suggest you think of recipes that you can prepare in parallel or whose ingredients serve you for different dishes. Thus, it takes less time to prepare meals or at least the garnishes for the dishes. Nowadays we enjoy the convenience of a refrigerator and a freezer. So take advantage of them.
Do you think you lack free time? How much time do you spend with domestic chores, errands and purchase for example? #Enjoy your #freetime Share on X
Do you know how to enjoy your free time?
Do you have the feeling that you do not have free time? Why do you think that is the case?
No matter how much or little free time you have, do you thing you make good use of it or maybe waste it?

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