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Event planning with less stress


Let us see what to take into account when it comes to event planning in order to reduce stress and improvisation.

Often I see events that surprisingly seem to go well despite lack of foresight and organisation. People involved luckily remember something that had to be done or are proactive enough to offer their help.

But I also see the stress it causes them. Obviously we cannot anticipate all incidents that might arise. But would it not be great to reduce stressful situations all we can with a bit more foresight?

#Events that go well despite lack of #organisation & #foresight? How to prevent #stress Share on X

The first step in event planning

Before throwing ourselves into organising the different details, the first step should be taking the requirements.

  • Event goal
  • Event content
  • Tentative event agenda
  • Specific or approximate event date and time
  • Profile and approximate number of attendants
  • Event location requirements: location, capacity, technical equipment etc.
  • Needs for event: marketing, catering, equipment, staff, speakers, presentations, signage
  • Budget

All this will help us approach the event planning correctly as well as outlining the different required tasks to be done ourselves or to entrust others with.

The first step in #eventplanning should be taking the #requirements Share on X

The event as a project

The next step will be to elaborate the task list resulting from taking the requirements. Same as in the case of a project it will be helpful to create a task list or project plan, depending the eventā€™s complexity. This plan or list should contain at least a column for the tasks, another for the person in charge, one for the deadline and another for the status.

Furthermore in this case I suggest grouping the different tasks by categories or types. Also remember to leave blank rows in order to add further on tasks you have not thought of in the first place or additional request you might receive.

An #event is a #project so create a good #plan: #tasks, #InCharge, #deadline, #status Share on X
event tasks
Copyright: trueffelpix / 123RF Stock photo


Possible tasks in event planning by categories

Let us see a series of tasks when planning almost any type of event. The categorisation proposed is by type of task. But you might prefer to group things by department, person or company in charge of carrying them out. So, adapt it according to your needs and logic.

Also, this list is not comprehensive, it means to illustrate the categorisation of tasks.


  • Look for potential event locations
  • Request availability and estimate for the potential event locations
  • Book event location
  • Organise set up and seating arrangement for event
  • Hire furniture if needed
  • Organise transport of material for the event

Technical equipment

  • Projection screen
  • Projector / beamer
  • Computer
  • Presentation pointer
  • Microphones
  • Flipchart, whiteboard, markers


  • Elaborate guest list or design marketing action to attract participants
  • Design ā€œSave-the-dateā€
  • Send or announce ā€œSave-the-dateā€
  • Design invitation
  • Send or announce invitations
  • Confirm attendants
  • Organise seating plan if needed


  • Agenda draft for ā€œSave-the-dateā€
  • Outline agenda for invitation
  • Contact speakers
  • Prepare running order for event
  • Send running order to everybody involved


  • Look for catering options
  • Request estimates
  • Choose breakfast, coffee break, lunch or dinner menu as applicable

Signage and material for attendants

  • Design posters, roll-ups
  • Print signage
  • Install signage
  • Elaborate information material for attendants
  • Print information material


  • Hire hostesses
  • Hire technicians
  • Coordinate event staff
  • Organise rehearsal with speakers

The listed points are more or less generic examples. Depending on the event you might have to detail the related tasks. In order to cross the tasks of your list or plan as they are done, I recommend you really break down what you or others have to do. If you really write down actions to be done, it will give you the feeling of making progress. Therefore, instead of writing down for example ā€œlocationā€, think of all the related tasks.

It is helpful to group #tasks to maintain a good #overview in #eventplanning Share on X

Benefits of a detailed task list

This will also allow you a quick overview of what is done and what is pending, freeing your mind of having to remember it.

We are often not aware of everything we carry around in our head until we write it down. And this load can lead to more stress and feeling overwhelmed by circumstances.

If you organise several events per year, you might find yourself in a constant state of tension that could be avoided. What is more, if you try to remember everything it will be more difficult to work on several events at once or concentrate on other issues you have to do. Remember that our brain is not made for remembering but for thinking and generating ideas.

Keep track of the budget

In parallel to the project plan you should register the different expenses. If you keep track as you hire the services, you will be able to close the event easier and quicker.



Last review of details

Once the day of the event approaches, I recommend you take time to go through all details and resolve loose ends. Examples could be:

  • Confirming last attendants or reconfirm key attendants
  • Check that all presentations are prepared
  • Review event running order
  • Check that everything is hired
  • Inform everyone involved about running order and other details and ensure everybody knows what they have to do
To avoid last-minute #stress before the #event, take time for a good #review Share on X

Let the show begin

Writing down all tasks will keep your mind clear to have new ideas, like remembering details you had not thought of and ways to do things better.

As you have seen, the points listed are prior to the event. But taking time for preparation and planning will allow you getting with less stress to the day of the event. Because you will have more time for real unforeseeen issues instead of being busy solving things you had forgot due to insufficient planning.

Another advantage of the event plan

But the good thing about consciously taking time once is not only stress relief. The plan will be a base for when you repeat this event or organise others. As we have seen with the examples, there are some typical and recurring tasks.

A good #event #plan reduces #stress, keeps your #MindClear and serves as #template Share on X

How do you organise your events?

Do you take time for the requirements and writing down all details to be taken into account? Ā Do you note down some of them and rely on your memory for others?

event planning


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