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How to be a good guest

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]In other posts, we have seen how to organise an event. In this one, we will talk from the other side, i.e. being guest to an event. As this blog is about excellence, let us see rules for good manners and how to make the most out of events.

Every type of event and meeting has its peculiarity. As well, knowing the organiser and having a personal relation with them or not has an influence. In order to make it easier I will differentiate between professional and personal events and explain in each section which type of reunions I mean.

Are you a good #guest? How to show #goodmanners and how to make the most out of attending an #event. Share on X

Professional events

In this section, I am thinking about congresses, conferences, networking events and similar. These are events we attend for our personal and professional development, in order to learn something new and to make new contacts.


Confirming attendance

If it is an event you have seen announced, confirm your attendance within the stipulated deadline. If you receive a personal invitation to some event, I suggest you confirm whether you can or cannot attend. This will help the organiser know how many people have not replied yet and whether they should invite more people to get to the capacity.

In case you had confirmed attendance but finally cannot go, also notify the organisation. The organiser will appreciate it. If you have ever organised an event or participated in its organisation, you are familiar with the uncertainty of not knowing how many people will attend. You do not know if you should invite more people or reduce the catering. Narrowing down the number of attendees to the maximum does not only make the organisation easier, it also helps adjust costs.

When invited to an #event do you always confirm if you can or cannot attend? Do you arrive #ontime? The organiser will appreciate it. #goodguest #goodmanners Share on X

Prepare for the event

I recommend you prepare yourself so the event is productive. Inform yourself about the organiser, the topics that will be discussed, the speakers, the attendees (if possible). That way you will get the most out of the event and have topics of conversation with the other attendees or the speakers.

If you want to meet new people, make a list with everyone you want to talk to along with a comment on them. Write down for example profession, company, interests and whatever you consider important and may help you start a conversation.

Attending the event

Except on justified grounds, I suggest you arrive on time. Usually there is a space of time for registration. So, arrive within that time frame and use it for the first networking. Being punctual is not only a matter of good manners. When somebody arrives late to a conference, they distract the speakers and audience. Is it not uncomfortable to have eyes turn on you when entering the room late?

Getting the most out of the event

If you really want to make the most out of the event, I suggest you forget about your phone for a while. Put it on silence in order not to distract yourself and others with notifications.

In order to remember the speeches better, I recommend you take notes. There are events where they share the presentations afterwards. But on one hand they usually only contain the key points and not all explanations. On the other hand, evidence shows that we remember a lot better what we write down than what we only hear.

If there is an opportunity to pose questions to the speakers, do so. Especially at big events it can be more difficult to talk to the speakers during the breaks.

Nowadays, attendees are usually asked at events to share on Twitter with the event hashtag. Personally, either I tweet or I concentrate. So, I share from time to time but will focus more on paying attention to the speakers. I suggest you try and find the balance allowing you to take away the most from the event.

Once in the break, take the opportunity to make contact with the other attendees or the speakers. Asking about the impression about the event is the easiest way to start a conversation. Then inquire about the other person, what has brought them to the event, what they expect, what they do for a living, what they are passionate about etc.

After talking to a person, write down the ideas that might have come up. That way you will not have to trust your memory trying to remember what you discussed with each and every person. This will be even more helpful when you have met people you did not have on that list you prepared before the event.

#Congresses, #conferences, #courses, #networking #events help our professional and #personaldevelopment if we make the most out of them. How to do so Share on X

Show appreciation

After the event, I suggest you send a thank-you note to the organiser. This is not a usual thing so they will surely appreciate it. If you cannot send a direct thank you, there might be the possibility to share your opinion on the event on the website or on social media. Perhaps you have also received a satisfaction questionnaire. It will be of great help if you take a moment to fill it in.


Remember those notes you took after meeting people? Now they will be very helpful. Contact these people to stay in their mind. Send them a simple note saying that it has been a pleasure to meet them and talk to them.

If you promised to send some kind of information, do so. Or maybe you have come across an article on a topic you discussed. Why not share it? Perhaps you agreed to have a meeting. Then ask for it whilst memory is fresh.

Sometimes we miss those opportunities because we let time pass.

After an #event do not miss the opportunity to send a #thankyou note to the organiser and contact the people you met. #goodguest Share on X

Personal events

In this section I mean meetings and parties with family, friends or acquaintances.


Confirming attendance and preparation

Same as in the case of professional events, confirm if you can or cannot attend. If you go to someoneā€™s place, also ask if you shall bring anything or can help in any other way with the preparation. On many occasions, bringing a bottle of wine or a dessert can be a good contribution.

If you will be late on the day of the reunion, let the host know. It is not the same showing up half an hour late without letting know than having done so. Certainly, depending on the country and customs, the concept of punctuality can be more relaxed. However, letting know that you will be late will not be rude anywhere.

Lend a hand

In case of meeting at an acquaintanceā€™s, friendā€™s or family memberā€™s place, I suggest you ask if you can help with something. They might say no, but is more probable that you can. When the fun ends, the host will have to clean up everything. Maybe you can help tidying something before going home. Then the host will have less work and not feel discouraged to organise anything again soon.


Sending a thank-you note might seem too formal in case of family and friend reunions. But that does not mean to take the hospitality for granted. When saying goodbye, thank the host for the invitation and the good time you have had.

When invited to somebody's place, do you lend a hand? Do not take #hospitality for granted. Offer #help and #thank the #host for the invitation. #goodguest Share on X

Work meetings

When talking about the condition of guest, you might not think about work meetings. However, depending on where the meeting is celebrated, at your office or another personā€™s, you will be the host or guest. That is why I also want to mention them.


Notify of incidents

In this case we may overlook the confirmation as without it, there would no meeting. When setting up meetings, I recommend you take into account the time to get there. Schedule the meetings so that you can arrive on time without problem. A delay will not only affect your own agenda but also that of the other attendees.

Even though, you might be late at some point. A previous meeting can have taken longer than planned or the traffic is worse than you expected. If you are running late, call to let the other know and make sure that they can maintain the meeting despite your delay.

Maybe a contingency has come up which makes it impossible for you to have the meeting. If you need to postpone it, notify it as long in advance as possible, apologise and offer new possible dates.

If you run late for a #meeting, let the other attendees know & make sure they can maintain the meeting despite your #delay. #goodguest #goodmanners Share on X

Prepare for the meeting

It is not only polite but also ensures that the meeting is productive if you prepare well for it. The preparation depends on the type of meeting. Maybe you can inform yourself well about the company or person you are meeting. Perhaps you ought to prepare some documentation. In order to make the meeting productive consider its objective. What do you want to achieve? Information, sell something, reach an agreement, touch base. The aim determines how you should prepare for the meeting.

Appreciation and summary

An easy way to make a good impression after a meeting is thanking the participants for their time. Unless you have agreed that somebody else do so, take the opportunity to summarise the points discussed and next steps agreed on. That way you make sure that everybody works on what concerns them.

Are you a good guest?

Do you think you are a good guest? Is there some other point to consider in order to be a good guest? Which behaviours annoy you most in other guests?

good guest


Sharing is caring!

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4 responses

  1. Thanks Dorit, for these very helpful tips!
    Showing appreciation to organizers is so very important, all the more as they put in so much time and hard work to make sure that an event is successful.
    I also like your point about inquiring about the other person we meet at an event ā€“ itā€™s always appreciated by the other person when we listen with genuine interest and get to know them better. Doing this also helps us to widen our social and professional contacts šŸ™‚

  2. I really enjoyed your post Dorit, you have excellent tips and reminders about being a good guest at all types of events. I need to focus on thanking friends and family for invites at the end of the evening, I always appreciate their hospitality but donā€™t thank them enough.

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