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Good habits: their importance and 32 ideas

Good habits importance ideas women pilates yoga
Habits are powerful and can make our life easier. Get to know the importance of good habits and take away ideas for habits to include into your life.

How many good habits do you have? Habits are powerful and make our lives easier. Let us see why this is so and how good habits help you. As well, we will go over examples of good habits for different aspects of your life.

What are habits for?

Habits are actions that we carry out almost on autopilot. We have learned and internalised them so well that they take little effort for our brain and body. Considering that our brain and body are looking to save energy, they love habits.

The question is whether you know how to take advantage of this fact. Creating routines of good and healthy habits can help you improve as a person and improve your life. Self-leadership is key here. That means actively deciding and implementing habits that are good for you, whilst abandoning bad habits.

Why are good habits important?

As I said, our brain and body like habits. Good habits help us in various areas of our lives. On the one hand, they allow us to take care of our hygiene, health and well-being. Then, good mental and emotional habits improve our relationship with ourselves and with other people. There are also good habits that help us achieve what we want, be more disciplined and productive.

You may be wondering: But then why is it so hard for me to acquire a new habit? That is because we already have many habits and the easy thing is to continue with the same routine. Finding time for a new activity and persevering until it becomes a habit can be hard. First you need a good reason that motivates you. Then there are several tricks to help you establish good new habits.

Types of good habits

Among the good habits we may differentiate between healthy physical habits, emotional and social habits as well as mental and productivity habits. In other words, on the one hand we have habits that help us take care of and improve our health. Then there are habits to take care of our emotional well-being and our interpersonal relationships. Finally, we have habits that help you suffer less stress, be more productive, develop on a personal and professional level, and achieve your goals.

It is true that there are good habits that we could include in several categories. But, so as not to leave you with a potpourri of good habits, let us see the ideas ordered by these three categories.

Physical habits

These habits are all those with which we take care of and keep our body in shape.

  1. Take care of your diet so that it is balanced and varied. Include lots of fruit and vegetables as well as nuts and seeds.
  2. Drink enough liquid, especially in the form of water and herbal infusions. Avoid soft drinks and sugary drinks. Also, limit the intake of stimulating drinks that contain caffeine or theine.
  3. Take care of your hygiene by showering, brushing teeth and hands regularly.
  4. Enjoy a restful sleep and sleep enough hours.
  5. Activate your body every day by going for a walk or run or practicing some physical activity.
  6. Stretch to relieve and prevent tension and contractures.
  7. Enjoy nature and its benefits for your health and well-being.
  8. Pamper yourself from time to time with a bath, a visit to a spa, a massage or something similar.

Emotional and social habits

Among these habits we can include all those that help you take care of your emotional well-being. Taking care of our social relationships begins by taking care of our relationship with ourselves. Let us look at some examples.

  1. Know yourself to better understand what is good or bad for you and what you need.
  2. Work on your self-love, self-esteem and self-confidence.
  3. Practice acceptance and self-acceptance.
  4. Do not gossip, criticise and judge. It is wasting your energy and it will not make you feel better.
  5. Do not compare yourself with others.
  6. Nurture the relationships that do you good. Avoid people who do you bad.
  7. Give your full attention to the people you are with and actively listen.
  8. Forgive and do not be resentful.
  9. Practice gratitude.
  10. Smile and laugh as much as you can.
  11. Train your assertiveness. Learn to say ‘no’ and do not make promises you do not want to or cannot keep.
  12. Train your capacity for resilience, adaptation to change and frustration tolerance.
  13. Learn to deal with problems and adversities. Do not put them off or ignore them, or they will grow.

Mental and productivity habits

In this section I include all those habits that help you take care of your mind and, thus, be more productive on a personal level and on a professional level.

  1. Know your values and purpose. It will help you determine your priorities and live more satisfied and fulfilled.
  2. Determine your priorities. It will be easier for you to dedicate your energy and time to what really matters to you.
  3. Live according to your priorities. Plan your days to make sure you get the most important tasks and activities done.
  4. Use calendar and to-do lists to write down your meetings, commitments and activities. This way you keep your head clear to think and be creative.
  5. Try to keep your home and work space tidy. Clutter takes up mental space.
  6. Learn to recognise, relieve and prevent stress. It harms your mental, physical, and emotional health and makes you less productive.
  7. Limit your exposure to screens of electronic devices such as computer, smartphone or television. Consider a digital detox if necessary.
  8. Take time for learning; whether they are topics for your professional or personal development.
  9. Keep your dreams and illusions alive. Set goals to achieve what you want.
  10. Make time for your interests and hobbies. Enjoy art and culture.
  11. Do not get caught up in negative thoughts and ruminations about the past or future. Learn to be more present and pay attention here and now. Meditate every day or consider learning how to do it.

Are you aware of the importance of good habits?

Do you have many good habits? How many habits from the list do you have? How many are you trying to establish but have a hard time managing? What other good habits can you think of that I have not mentioned?

Good habits importance ideas women pilates yoga
Photo by Elina Fairytale from Pexels

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