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Transform from stressed to serene and confident

Do you constantly feel overwhelmed?

The days fly by with all you have to do. But even so, you feel that you lack hours for what you would like to do.

Do you feel identified with these points?

You lack time

You try to cope with everything, but there just don’t seem to be enough hours in the day. You are running from one task to another, from one meeting to another, from one commitment to another. It seems like you’re stuck in a hamster wheel where you can’t stop running. But no matter how hard you run, you can’t seem to reach the goal. The day does not have enough hours for everything you want and must do. But maybe you have normalised living fast-paced and in that constant tension.

You demand a lot from yourself and you like to have everything under control

Like a juggler you try to keep all the balls in the air. You like to feel like a ‘superwoman’ who has everything under control and has a solution for everything. That’s why it stresses you when there are things beyond your control.

You feel like you constantly have to prove yourself and give more than 100%. Therefore, you put continuous pressure on yourself to deliver a perfect job and leave nothing pending. Long work hours may have become the norm.


You do not disconnect and you are exhausted

You are always brooding over ideas and possible solutions. When you finish working, you think about what has remained undone, about what you could have done better, about how to solve this problem or about ideas for that project.

On your days off, you keep checking to see if everything is going well at the office. You may even think that it would stress you more to disconnect from work.

You may have normalised feeling exhausted every day. With the pace of life today and the demands of work, it is normal to be stressed, right? With so much to do, it’s normal for your batteries to run out, right?

You take care of others

ā€¦ but what about you? In your constant concern to make others feel good and solve their problems, you usually come last. You think that you will take time to take care of yourself when you have tackled this or that. But in the end, you never find the moment.


We have become used to normalising stress and the feeling of not coping with everything on a personal and professional level. For this reason, we do not take a halt to think and take actions to free ourselves from our limitations.

But if you think that enough is enough and you are ready for a change, continue reading.

Time is limited, but we all have the same hours in the day. The question is how we use them. At the end of your life, how do you want to be remembered? For the many hours you’ve worked? Because of how much you have overworked yourself, putting your well-being and health at risk? That you never found enough time for your loved ones? That you neglected your interests and hobbies?

I invite you to reflect on what you would not like to regret. We only have one life. So, we rather make the most of it and live fully and happily, don’t you think?

The pressures of today’s world and our jobs encourage us to give more and more, to work more and more. But how about working better, instead of more? How about turning from a simple worker bee to a productive homo sapiens who makes good decisions? Feeling fulfilled in your work does not have to be at odds with having time for your interests and taking care of yourself.

The solution is to review your situation and find solutions to better manage the stress, and gain balance and serenity.


I have the solution

Programme ā€˜From stressed to serene and confidentā€™

Embark on a journey towards your confident, balanced, and serene self.

Feel more confident and fulfilled in your professional and personal life. Feel that you take advantage of the days and live more fully.

To do this, I propose a four-month individual and personalised mentoring programme.

In just one month you will already have gained clarity about the imbalances in your life, and you will have taken actions to align your lifestyle with what you really want.


What is the programme 'From stressed to serene and confident' about

We will work on four pillars:

> Focus on what is important

Find out what really matters to you. Establish your personal and professional priorities. Align your day to day with your priorities in order to create the life you want. Increase your satisfaction, feeling that your days are more productive.

> Free yourself from limitations

Discover habits and beliefs that limit you in some way and do not let you enjoy your life and live it fully and happily. Gain self-confidence by increasing your self-awareness. Complete your personal ‘toolbox’ with tools, techniques, and soft and social skills to better face the challenges of your life.

> Gain serenity

All the above will lead you towards a more balanced and serene life. But, in addition, you will find out what specifically stresses you and what to do about it. You will learn techniques to relax and feel better. You will learn to disconnect from work without feeling guilty, to enjoy more and make better use of your free time

> Manage your energy and time better

You plug in your mobile phone when you see that it is running out of battery. You leave it charged when you plan to give it a lot of use. Learn to do the same with yourself: to monitor your energy levels and replenish your batteries on time. To organise your time according to your levels of energy and concentration.

We’ll also review together the tools you use to organise yourself and adapt them to fit you, your lifestyle, as well as your personal and professional needs. In this way you will gain a greater sense of control and more serenity, and you will better disconnect from work.

The programme ā€˜From stressed to serene and confidentā€™ is for you if:

Begin your transformation from stressed to serene and confident

We will discuss your situation and how I can help you. We will confirm if we make a good fit to work together. Trust is essential in this process so that you can get the most out of it.

How we will work


Why work with me

I’m Dorit Sauer, Mentor for Self-Leadership and founder of The Corner of Excellence. I put at your disposal my experience, knowledge, and skills that I continue to constantly expand

Common questions

Making time for new things in our busy lives can seem complicated. But does this phrase ring a bell? There is no lack of time, there is a lack of interest. Ask yourself how important you are to yourself. How much interest do you have in improving your situation and gaining more time for what really matters to you, in order to feel more confident and serene?

The sessions are 90 minutes so that you can get the most out of them and get tangible results in your life quickly. But we will have them every two weeks. This way you will have enough time to assimilate everything, work on the exercises and translate what you have learned into your life. Give yourself this time for yourself to enjoy the rest of your life more fulfilment, satisfaction, confidence, balance, and serenity.

Of course not. You know what you like and what you don’t. You know the way you are. Often, we just need someone to ask us the right questions to come up with the solution ourselves. Also, whenever it is useful to you, I will share my knowledge and experiences and suggest solutions. All this, so that you can try and choose the techniques and tools that best suit your way of being, your lifestyle and your work.

I don’t have a magic pill. But I will put all my effort into guiding you and helping you to bring out your potential and to head towards your best version. Of course, you will have to do your part and dedicate time to yourself for this to happen. A four-month program allows you to gradually make improvements and establish new habits.

I want to go from stressed to serene and confident

What other professional women think

The mentoring programme 'From stressed to serene and confident' has exceeded my expectations. Thanks to the programme I have been able to get out of the loop I was in professionally. I have learned new concepts and new techniques that I am applying in my daily life. From a constant and continuous blockage and stress in which I was immersed to being able to face my work days with renewed energy, would not have been possible without Dorit's help. It goes without saying that my well-being at work has an impact on my personal life and now everything is much more balanced. And I not only apply everything I learned in the workplace but also in my daily life. So I can't do anything other than recommend the programme 100% to other people."
Head of Administration
"It has been a very beneficial experience for my personal and professional growth. A competent and experienced mentor, such as Dorit, can provide guidance, support, and the necessary tools to help us achieve our goals and maximise our potential.
Dorit's quality depends to a large extent on her ability to understand specific needs and goals, as well as her ability to establish a relationship of trust and empathy.

In general, I find that Dorit has shown excellent listening and understanding skills. She has been able to grasp my concerns and challenges and has provided me with a strategic and practical approach to addressing them. Her experience and knowledge in the field in which I work have been evident in the recommendations and advice that she has provided me.

In addition, her mentoring sessions have been motivating and encouraging. She has managed to find a balance between support and challenge, which has allowed me to face my limitations and overcome obstacles effectively. Her ability to ask thoughtful and challenging questions has been instrumental in fostering my self-awareness and stimulating my personal growth.

In terms of professionalism, she has demonstrated punctuality, commitment, and confidentiality in each of our sessions. She has been respectful and maintained an unbiased approach, giving me the confidence to openly share my concerns and challenges without fear of judgment.

In general, my opinion of Dorit as a mentor is very positive. Her experience, skills and approach have given me valuable support in my personal and professional development. I highly recommend her services to anyone looking for a competent mentor who is committed to their success."
Covadonga Mateos
Management Secretary
"At the end of each session with Dorit I notice that something in me has changed. Thanks to the close way in which she helps you find out the ā€œwhysā€ yourself, you can reach conclusions that you had not even considered. She helps you work with it thanks to a detailed action plan and with motivation focussed on change and moving forward. The questions she asks in the sessions are triggers. They make you think, question and re-question your beliefs and you work with her from there. For me, Dorit and her sessions have been key to advancing personally and professionally."
Testimonio Ines Guerrero Prieto asistente virtual
InƩs G. Prieto
Executive Assistant
"She is an excellent mentor. Dorit has great tips for managing stress. She always indicates that you need to take care of yourself inside and out. We need to rest, eat well and take care of personal relationships, know how to disconnect, and exercise and, above all, know how to plan and organise ourselves. She teaches very good advice for our daily life that is full of hustle and bustle."
Pilar JimƩnez
"Like many digital entrepreneurs, when I started to design my business plan, I was juggling my day job with my business project: many doubts, many hours spent not very productively, "regular" time management to say the least and a lot of stress.

Spending all day out, and when coming home having to plan, write, organise made me feel exhausted and overwhelmed. I had to do something to get out of this "hamster wheel".

Looking for a solution, I found the articles of The Corner of Excellence and contacted Dorit in order to work with her organising and managing the little time I had for my business. Thanks to her I have learnt to obtain good results with less resources, to delegate tasks and, above all, the importance to lead a balanced life in all aspects. The result? I work with less pressure, better control my stress levels and am more productive with less effort.

Dorit not only teaches you techniques you need to become an excellent professional, but she also does it effectively and with good vibes, making it easy to interiorise the strategies. And her bi-weekly posts are a source of resources and inspiration!"
MarĆ­a LĆ³pez-Agra

Do you want to feel more serene and confident?

Becoming aware of your current stress level will be the first step to improving your quality of life.