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How to really relax during holidays

how to really relax during holidays relax on days off vacation woman kayak lake
Do you manage to relax on your days off as you should? Take away some tips & ideas to really relax during holidays.

I think we all get excited when we think about holidays. Even preparations can already put you in a good mood. The question is whether your days off then serve you to disconnect from work and rest as they should. So let us see some keys on how to really relax during holidays.

Before your holidays

Enjoying relaxing days off starts before them. If you have everything well prepared, you avoid unnecessary stress and you can concentrate on relaxing well. Let us look at some points to take into account and to prepare beforehand.

1. Decide the purpose of your holidays

First, consider what type of holidays you are looking for to really relax. Define what relaxation means to you. Do you want to pamper yourself and relax a lot? Do you want to get out of the rut? Are you looking to get to know and explore new places? Are you looking for fun? Do you prefer nature or town? Do you prefer the beach or the mountains?

With that you can specify the place and type of your holidays as well as the activities to include.

2. Prepare the logistics

Once you have booked means of transportation and accommodation, organise your travel documentation. Do you need to carry a passport? Do you need a visa or vaccinations? If you have organised your trip with an agency, they will provide you with an itinerary with the details. If not, I usually prepare a spreadsheet with the details of flights, accommodations, excursions and places to visit. I store it on Google Drive and also take it on paper.

If you plan to do any excursions or visits, I suggest you check the available dates and even book in advance. That saves you from the disappointment of not being able to do them because they are fully booked or having to waste time in endless queues.

To avoid stress, do not fill your travel itinerary with too many activities. Also calculate plenty of time for the journeys between places. You will want to have time to stop at a viewpoint or other point of interest that you discover along the way.

Then think about what type of clothing or equipment you will need based on the weather and the activities you are going to do. I suggest choosing clothes and shoes that combine with each other so as not to carry too much luggage.

3. Get your work organised

To really relax during your holidays, it is essential that you manage to disconnect from work. To do this, prepare, organise and delegate your tasks before your days off. Also, inform whoever is necessary of your absence. As well, activate an email out-of-office message indicating the alternative contact persons.

For a more relaxed start into your holidays, it is also a good idea not to travel right away. That means, rather, take a day or two off earlier for final preparations.

4. Organise your home

Then think about other things to leave prepared and organised at home. Do you have an alarm at home and should notify the security company? Can’t you take your pet with you and need to find a place for it? The day you leave, disconnect water, gas, electricity and whatever else is needed.

Both for the preparations of the trip itself and to organise your work and private things, it can be a good idea to make a checklist.

During your holidays

The time has come for your days off. To enjoy them and relax well during holidays, let us see some tips and ideas.

1. Disconnect from the digital world

Today we spend many hours in front of the computer, mobile phone, television screens, etc. To relax well on holidays, I suggest you reduce exposure to a minimum.

So, silence notifications from your mobile applications. Focus more on enjoying the moment than on capturing everything on your smartphone to share it on social media.

For example, start the morning without the first thing you do being looking at your smartphone. Also, enjoy meals with your phone out of sight.

If you find it difficult to detach yourself from your phone, consider establishing some hour per day to check it and catch up on social media.

2. Take it easy

Especially if you lead a very active and busy lifestyle, take advantage of your holidays to slow down. It is okay to do nothing for a while. So do not fill your day with so many activities that you run from one place to another. Give preference to the quality of your experiences rather than the quantity.

3. Relax your expectations

The more expectations we have, the more likely we are to feel disappointed. You may not have time to do everything you had in mind. Perhaps your destination, your accommodation or some activity does not meet all your expectations. Maybe at your travel destination things are not done as you are used to at home.

But that is precisely the point of traveling. Getting to know different places, people, cultures, traditions and different ways of doing things. That is why it is better to travel with an open mind. Let go and accept things as they are. Relax and enjoy.

4. Take care of your diet and hydration

During our holidays, many of us get out of the routine in terms of food. We eat more in restaurants asking for what we like the most. Being out there on excursions, we may not hydrate ourselves as we would at home.

If you want your holidays to serve you to improve your well-being, try to take care of your diet. Eat a lot of fruit and vegetables. Vary between meat, fish and seafood. Enjoy the local food. And, especially on summer holidays, always carry enough water with you.

5. Sleep well

Relaxing well during holidays, of course, also means getting enoughƂĀ  and good sleep. That is why it may be a good idea to bring a mask and earplugs if you are sensitive to light and noise.

If you do not like the pillow in your accommodation, ask if they have other types. Some people even take their pillow with them when travelling.

If you get up early for excursions and then stay up late with dinners or late nights out, set aside time for a nap after lunch. Or at least spend some time in the afternoon doing nothing.

6. Immerse yourself in nature

The connection with nature is beneficial for our well-being and health. But many of us spend many hours throughout the year locked up at home or in the office.

That is why holidays are an excellent opportunity to enjoy being outdoors and in nature. There is nothing better to relax well on holidays than to recover the connection with nature.

Ideas to enjoy nature

  • Look for scenic routes to enjoy the views.
  • Go hiking or biking.
  • Stroll along the beach or through green areas of your holiday spot.
  • Bathe in the sea, in a lake or river.
  • Sign up for a boat, snorkel or diving excursion.
  • Do water sports.
  • Enjoy the sunrise or sunset and the stars.
  • Sunbathe
  • Enjoy a picnic in a park, forest, on a mountain or on the beach.
  • Walk barefoot.

7. Enjoy the beauty

In addition to enjoying the beauty of nature, take time to appreciate the architecture and art.ƂĀ 

  • Sign up for a guided tour.
  • Visit historical sites of the place.
  • Lose yourself in the streets to see what you discover.
  • Visit museums and exhibitions.
  • Go to a concert or a venue with live music.
  • Enjoy the street shows.

8. Enjoy other relaxing activities

  • Read a book or magazine.
  • Play cards or board games.
  • Sit on a terrace to watch life go by.
  • Write postcards to your loved ones.
  • Stretch in the morning and at night.
  • Chat with the local people to learn more about their culture and maybe some insider tips.
  • Visit a spa or book a massage.
  • Write in your journal.
  • Draw, paint or do crafts.

9. Be mindful

Whatever you do on your holidays, pay attention to the present moment. Take in the views, sounds, smells, and other sensations. Enjoy quiet moments doing nothing but being in the here and now.

If you usually meditate, do not skip the good habit during your days off. Even take the opportunity to meditate outdoors.

After the holidays

Last but not least, for your relaxation to last and to avoid the post-holiday blues, take the return calmly. If you left your work organised and delegated, the reincorporation should be less difficult for you. But there are things you can do to get back to work without stress.

Also recover your routine of healthy habits. But try not to fall back into a routine that may stress or bore you. Organise leisure plans that help you make that feeling of holidays, enjoyment and relaxation last.

Do you manage to relax well during holidays?

How are your days off usually? Do you manage to disconnect well from work? Do you find them really relaxing? What are your favorite activities to relax on holidays and enjoy yourself?

how to really relax during holidays relax on days off relax on vacation woman beach
Image by Ana_J from Pixabay

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