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Why you need a moderator in your meetings

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]A meeting is a useful space to exchange information, announce decisions or solve problems. If we want our meeting to serve its purpose, it needs a clear objective and follow the three basic phases. Moreover, the meeting needs to be prepared and an effective course be ensured. That is where the moderator comes into play.

Which are a moderatorā€™s objectives

The aim of the moderator is to lead the participants to good results. Therefore, he/she helps them set the meeting goals and develop the contents with concentration and responsibility.

The #aim of a #meeting #moderator is to lead the participants to good results. How to manage so Share on X

Which ought to be the moderatorā€™s attitude and focus

Content neutrality

The moderator needs to take on a neutral role, that is hold back his/her own opinions and not assess the participantsā€™ contributions. If the participants are satisfied with the meeting results, the moderator also has to be.

In case the moderator is also one of the meeting participants, he/she needs to make clear which role he/she is taking when taking part in the meeting: that of a moderator or participant.

People neutrality

The moderator ought to treat all attendants the same. That means he/she needs to be friendly with everybody without showing possible animosities or preferences. His/her role is to include everyone and that all participants contribute to the meeting. As well, the moderator ensures that all attendants have a balanced speaking time.

A #meeting moderator needs to be #neutral regarding participants and content. But that is not the only thing. How a #moderator should act. Share on X

Responsible for the process but not the results

The moderator is in charge of making the meeting flow, that the participants contribute and look for results. However, unless he/she is also a participant, the moderator is not responsible for the meeting results. His/her role is to confirm that the participants agree and are satisfied with the results. The moderator will verify that they take responsibility for those results. He/she will imply that the meeting is the moment to influence the results and complaining afterwards is not allowed.

A #moderator is responsible for the #meeting process and course but not for the #results. How a moderator should act Share on X


The moderator needs to commit to the meeting objective, not to the agenda. Therefore, if the planned programme does not work, the moderator can suggest to deviate from the agenda. He/she should in that case discuss with the participants how to proceed and adapt the agenda. Hence, the moderator should be sure of his/her methods in order to help the meeting course but also be flexible.

Attention to the events

It is important that moderator is attentive at all times and does not get distracted thinking about the next steps. He/she needs to pay attention to what is going on in the meeting, what is important to the participants and if what happens contributes to achieving the objectives and results. That is why the moderator needs to watch the events closely and conscientiously.

Inquiring attitude

In order to do his/her job, the moderator will potentiate the exchange of ideas between the participants. To that aim, he/she may pose pertinent or even apparently silly questions. Sometimes we fall into the trap of thinking that something is clear. But is it actually? Do all the participants really understand the idea, proposed solution or its consequences? A question or paraphrasing what was said may unearth possible inconsistencies.

#Flexibility, #attention and an inquiring #attitude are some of the key #behaviours of a good #meeting #moderator Share on X

The moderatorā€™s tasks

Clarify the mission and objectives

The first task is to determine with the participants what they hope to achieve with the meeting. It is important to differentiate here between the topicsā€™ goals and the objectives of the meeting itself. It is about clarifying which are the meetingā€™s goals and which results will make the meeting a success. At this point, the code of conduct should also be determined.

At the beginning of the #meeting the #moderator needs to clarify his/her #mission and the meeting #objectives. Which are a moderator's tasks Share on X


The moderator takes charge of organising the meeting, that is ensuring the meeting room fulfills the needs and all necessary means are available. This can be beamer, flip chart, notepads, Post-it notes, markers, pens etc. All the necessary means and office supplies so that the participants and the moderator may exchange and capture the ideas, proposals and solutions.

Planning the meeting course

Depending on the type of meeting and its objective, the moderator plans the different phases to ensure an effective course.

Problem description

If the meeting goal is to solve a problem, the moderator will help the participants define it first. That means determine which is exactly the problem, which are the possible causes and effects and which criteria does a satisfactory solution meet.

Steering the discussion process

As mentioned, the moderatorā€™s role is to potentiate the idea exchange and the search for solutions and results. Therefore, he/she will steer the discussion. That means ensuring that everybody contributes and has the same time to share their ideas.

In order to overcome moments of stagnation, it may be necessary to pose questions that help reframe what has been discussed, take a different look at it or think up new ideas. The moderator will also pay attention to the participantsā€™ energy level and may suggest a break if he/she notices that concentration declines.

A meeting #moderator steers the #discussion process in order to ensure a good #meeting course and result. A moderator's #goals and tasks Share on X
idea exchange

Intervening in conflicts

It can also be necessary to solve conflicts. When the moderator is attentive, he/she can detect difficult situations, misunderstandings and conflicts quickly. There are several techniques to solve these situations: posing questions to find out the causes of the conflict, a lightning round where all participants share their opinion on the situation and recapitulating the meeting objectives.

Documenting the results

Lastly, the moderator will also display the solutions proposed by the participants during the discussion. This will be a guide for the participants to find more proposals or improve the solutions posed. Furthermore, at the end of the meeting the moderator will summarise the results for everyone to see and ensure the participantsā€™ agreement and commitment to them.

Regarding the meeting minutes, the moderator can be in charge of taking them but it can also be a participant. This should be decided at the beginning of the meeting when the objectives are clarified.


As we have seen, a moderator helps meetings be more effective and not straying off their aim.

Did you know the moderator role and do you think it is helpful? Is there usually a moderator in the meetings you attend? When you organise meetings do you appoint a moderator?[/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width=”1/4″][vc_facebook type=”button_count”][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/4″][vc_googleplus][vc_empty_space][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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