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How your perception of reality shapes your well-being

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]You may wonder what the perception of reality may have to do with well-being. Well, how you perceive the world, your environment, your relationships with other people and yourself shape your particular reality.

If you are satisfied with it; if you like what you have and surrounds you, you will feel good. But if there are conflicts or resistance, your well-being will be affected negatively.

The map is not the territory

In Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP) it is said that the map is not the territory. In other words, the representative map that we form of a reality does not replace that thing or situation.

If we think about topography, a map is a visual and two-dimensional representation of a territory in three dimensions such as a mountain. It helps us to get an idea, to guide us but cannot represent the territory in all its dimensions. Therefore the map is a partial representation of a much more complex reality.

Our mind map shows us only a part of the #reality. #Perception of reality and #wellbeing. #NLP Share on X

Our particular perception of reality

If we transfer that idea to how we perceive reality, it explains why different people experience distinct situations diversely.

The Hindu parabole of the six blind men and the elephant reflects that idea very well. Summarising it a lot, six blind men want to know what an elephant looks like. But each one touches a different part of the elephant and therefore gets a different idea about ā€‹ā€‹the animal. However, each one is convinced that what they have experienced is the only truth. Here you can find the poem by John Godfrey Saxe which captures it well.

Our culture, our values ā€‹ā€‹and our experiences shape how we perceive the world. In addition, our attention span is limited. That is why we focus on certain details and ignore others. If you want to try it out, after a meeting with family or friends, ask several what they remember exactly. You will be surprised to discover the different versions of the same meeting.

ā€œWe do not see things as they are, we see them as we are.ā€ #AnaisNin #perception of reality Share on X
Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

The perception of reality in our relationships

Our perception of reality leads us to make judgments of situations and people. We form an opinion and make decisions based on what we perceive. With that perception we can sometimes coincide with others. However, misunderstandings, conflicts and discussions can also arise due to the difference between what we perceive and what is the perception of others.

The next time this happens to you, I suggest you remember that your opinion is based on your own perception of reality. The person who differs with your vision is experiencing reality through the prism of their values ā€‹ā€‹and experiences. What may bother or seem rude to you,Ā  may be of little importance to another person. What you think about something is not the universal truth.

Remembering that each of us perceives reality from our own perspective, can help us to be more understanding with others. If we keep our minds open, we can learn from others and their perception of reality. We can enrich our worldview with the point of view of others. In this way we will learn to better understand and accept other opinions and, thus avoid conflicts.

ā€œEverything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth.ā€ #MarcusAurelius #perception of #reality Share on X

The effect of the perception of reality on our well-being

However, conflicts in living with other people are only part of the negative effect that the perception of reality can have on our well-being. In fact, a conflict or an argument is only a possible manifestation of a resistance to something or a disagreement with something. We will not always have confrontations with other people when we dislike something.

How we perceive reality and the interpretation we make of it can be manifested simply in the form of stress. Feeling annoyed at what we consider an injustice or bad manners is stress. Getting very nervous about an important situation is also stress. Worrying about what others think of us or feeling shame or guilt over something we think we have done wrong also causes us stress.

Our perception of reality leads us to act in a certain way. Our values ā€‹ā€‹and experiences influence the importance we attach to certain things, how much we demand of ourselves and others. All this affects our well-being. Do you perceive the world as a threatening, competitive and too demanding place? Or do you think your reality is full of opportunities, beautiful moments and good things to be grateful for?

ā€œIt is not what happens to you, but how you react to it that matters.ā€ #Epictetus #perception of #reality #attitude #wellbeing Share on X
Image by Pexels from Pixabay

Expand your perception of reality

Remember that your mental map, that means your perception of reality, is not the territory; it is not the complete reality. When we accept that idea, we will also open ourselves to the possibility that we are not bearers of the only truth.

What we consider true, correct, fair or well-mannered may not match the values ā€‹ā€‹of other people. Our point of view on a subject is not the only one possible. Try to open your mind to the possibility that the reality is much broader and more complex than you perceive. Accept that things are not only as you perceive them. There may be more reasons for a situation than what you see. To make a decision you may have to make sure that you have reliable and objective facts.

ā€œAnd in this treacherous world, there is neither truth nor lie; it all depends on the colour of the glass through which it is perceived.ā€ #RamondeCampoamor #perception of #reality Share on X

Shape your perception of reality to improve your well-being

When we increase our acceptance and tolerance, we break down resistance that causes us stress. You get less frustrated. Things rile you up less. Differences of opinion do not turn into heated discussions but instead into enriching exchanges.

Therefore, I invite you to review your perception of reality. Which values, demands and experiences cause you conflicts and stress? Can you relax your point of view and accept that yours may not be the only one valid? Should you be less perfectionist and demanding?

Can you change your attitude towards certain people or situations? Analyse which situations cause you discomfort. Is it your perception of reality that clashes with that of others? Ask yourself how you can improve your mental and emotional well-being. Will a change in attitude or the acceptance of certain things help you feel better?

Could your #perception of #reality be hurting your #wellbeing? Find it out Share on X

How does your perception of reality affect your well-being?

Have you ever considered how our perception of reality affects us? Do you suffer stress, frustration or conflict because of your perception of reality?

perception of reality
Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay


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