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Why postponing is not always bad

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Are you worried about postponing some things in favour of others? Maybe you have read about procrastination and do think that this is what you are doing? However, you may also have the feeling of constantly doing things and still not getting everything done.

Let us see why postponing is not the same as procrastinating. Why not only it is not always bad but, in fact, necessary.

Postponing may be procrastinating but it is not the same

Postponing something only becomes procrastination if it is something important. If we postpone studying or doing work that seems difficult, we can call it procrastination.

If we know that we should resolve an issue or do something but we postpone it once or several times and rather distract ourselves with something that seems easier or more enjoyable at the time. Seeking the instant gratification of getting distracted by social media, for example, because we have a hard time facing a certain task is procrastination.

#Postponing and #procrastinating is not the same. Find out why. #procrastination #priorities Share on X

But postponing itself is not bad

Our time is limited. Therefore we must decide how to spend it. That means that we often have to decide between one activity or task and another. In other words, we will postpone one thing for another. In this case, postponing is not bad, in fact it is knowing how to prioritise. It means spending our time in the most reasonable and productive way at any given moment.

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Postponing may be necessary

Therefore, actually postponing is necessary. We cannot do it all at once. We also usually have more things to do than time for its realisation. Accepting this and postponing some things, therefore, is the only way not to get overwhelmed. But the question is: What do you postpone? If you postpone the important things, you will be procrastinating as we have already seen. However, if you postpone a task that arises at work in favour of another one that you consider of higher priority, it means to be productive.

There are also tasks that you may think you are postponing. But actually it is not up to you to take the next step. You need someone else to take a previous step or provide you with information in order to move forward. In this case you can postpone without regrets until it is your turn. Of course, if there is a deadline, you may have to claim the contribution of somebody else in order to be able to do your part on time.

Time is limited. Therefore #postponing some things is necessary. The difference between postponing and #procrastinating. #priorities Share on X

When postponing saves you from wasting your time

How many tasks can you think of that arose but that you were not able to tackle right away and which later ceased to be important? I mean that you are given a task that, if you do not stop to analyse it, seems urgent and important. But, as you have other more priority issues, you do not carry the task out at that moment. When you finally have time to tackle it, it is no longer necessary.

So you have saved yourself from wasting your time. Therefore, before undertaking any task, stop to reflect for a moment and place it in the context of your priorities and other projects and tasks. Put it on ice and when the time comes to tackle it, ask yourself if it is still necessary.

#Postponing can save you from wasting your time. Find out how so. #timemanagement #priorities Share on X
Image by Peggy and Marco Lachmann-Anke from Pixabay

The recipe for success

Knowing how to choose the most important one of several activities and tasks is only one part. But knowing how to postpone gratification is another skill for success. When we procrastinate, we give preference to instant gratification with some easy task or pleasant distraction.

However, we can also choose to face important, sometimes complex tasks, and persevere until finishing a project or reaching a goal. You will have to wait longer for gratification but it will be bigger. The sense of achievement and pride will motivate you to continue facing challenges. And that will feed the security in your capabilities and your self-esteem.

Are you able to #postpone #gratification? Why this is an ability for #success. #reward #achievement Share on X

What you should postpone

Having seen all of the above, there are a number of things you should postpone. Do you tend to check email after working hours? Are you still brooding over work matters when you are with your family? Do you think you have so many things to do that you do not have time to take care of your health and well-being?

Well, spending time with your beloved ones is something you should not postpone. Neither should you taking care of your body and mind. If you have trouble finding time to spend with your family and friends or to do a physical activity, you may need to review your priorities.

Do you know your #priorities or do you #postpone the important in favour of trivialities? What you should postpone Share on X
estradaanton / 123RF Stock photo

What you should not postpone

So, you should not postpone taking care of yourself and enjoying the company of your loved ones. But there is another issue. Do you usually live with an eye on the future? You may think that once you retire, you will enjoy your favorite hobbies or travel more. When you get married, you will be happy. Once you have children, you will be happy. When your children are adults, you will take more time for yourself. When you have lost weight, you will feel better about yourself.

I could continue listing examples but do you understand what I mean? We may believe that we will be happier later on, once we have achieved something. Then that moment arrives and we set our sights again on the future and another objective. Instead of believing that you will be happier when whatever happens or you achieve whatever, why not try to enjoy the present and be happy now?

Reflect on all the good you already have and feel grateful for them. Look for happiness in the details here and now. It is up to you to decide to postpone your well-being, enjoyment and happiness for later on, waiting for something that may not even happen. However you can also decide to take care of yourself, enjoy and be happy now.

Do you live with your sights set on a happier future? What you should not #postpone for later on. #priorities Share on X

What do you tend to postpone?

Do you consciously decide what to postpone in favor of more important matters? Or is postponing in your case synonymous with procrastinating? What important things do you postpone that you know you should not?

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2 responses

  1. I like the distinction between postponing and procrastination. I definitely have had trouble procrastinating in the past, which can make it more difficult to intentionally postpone. But I am working on distinguishing the two better.

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