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11 reasons for job dissatisfaction

reasons job dissatisfaction causes dissatisfied at work dissatisfied with job sad woman
Don't you feel like going to work? You don't like your job? Find out the main signs, effects and reasons for job dissatisfaction.

No job is perfect. There are ups and downs in each. But you may feel that the negative outweighs the positive. If you feel dissatisfied in your work often, it is worth looking closely at the causes to find solutions.

Let us go through the signs, the effects and, of course, the possible reasons for job dissatisfaction.

Signs of job dissatisfaction

Maybe you have a hard time getting up in the morning, when you think that it is time to go to work. The trip to work is a drag. Or you do not feel like turning on the computer to see what awaits you.

Perhaps your stomach twists at the thought of facing your boss or co-workers. Possibly the workdays feel eternal. Or work seems like a hindrance to you because you would prefer to spend your time on other things that matter to you and you like more.

Effects of job dissatisfaction

As you can see, the signs can be varied, and some even give clues about the causes of your job dissatisfaction. The point is that continued dissatisfaction harms your well-being and health. Lack of motivation, frustration and lethargy are some symptoms. But over time they can lead to boreout or burnout syndrome, or even depression.

In addition, the lack of motivation and commitment lead the worker to be less productive. They will probably do just enough to keep up appearances. You probably procrastinate. Maybe you miss work often. Perhaps the lack of interest leads you to make more mistakes. Your head is somewhere else. Therefore, you stop caring about the results and consequences of your work.

Job dissatisfaction causes stress. If you feel constantly stressed, you will be more irritable. You will also be more negative. It is possible that you speak badly about the company, your boss or your colleagues. Maybe you start looking for another job.

Reasons for job dissatisfaction

Having seen the signs and effects, let us look at what makes us feel dissatisfied at work. Let us review the possible reasons for job dissatisfaction.

1. Insufficient remuneration

One of the main reasons for job dissatisfaction is feeling that you are not being paid enough. Maybe you did not negotiate your salary well when you entered the company. Perhaps you have been with the company for years and have not seen any improvement, while the cost of living has increased. Maybe you were forced to accept the job even though the salary seemed somewhat low.

Be it as it may, believing that you are paid poorly makes you feel undervalued. You may also blame your job for any financial problems you experience. That is why you are likely on the lookout for better-paying job opportunities.

2. Lack of recognition

I think we all like our work to be recognised beyond being paid a salary for it. We also like to feel appreciated and that our opinions and ideas matter. The feeling of not receiving appreciation or recognition, and that your work is not valued can be demotivating.

3. Continuous stress

In all jobs the level of activity tends to fluctuate. In other words, there are usually more demanding seasons. The problem arises if there is ongoing stress about meeting tight deadlines. What is more, in some companies these tight deadlines are not even due to increased activity; but to a lack of foresight and planning.

Constant stress can not only cause job dissatisfaction. It can lead to burnout and also harms the health.

4. Lack of work-life balance

Another important reason for feeling dissatisfied at work may be that you feel that you only live for work. You often have to work overtime. You feel like you do not have time for your family, friends, personal matters, and hobbies. Perhaps there is not enough separation between work and personal life. You feel that you must always be available.

It may even be that you find it difficult to take days off due to the volume of work. Feeling that you cannot disconnect from work can lead to burnout.

5. Lack of stimuli

Another cause for job dissatisfaction can be the lack of stimulation at work. That is, your work seems monotonous or boring. You do not feel like you are using your strengths. You lack challenges. Maybe you do a lot of tasks that you are good at but do not like.

Although it may surprise you, you can suffer from stress due to monotony or boredom. Such stress can lead to boreout.

6. Lack of resources

The lack of human and material resources can end up burning out the workers. Perhaps you have the feeling that no matter how much you do, it is never enough. Because, actually it would require more workers to carry out all the work.

Maybe you do not have all the necessary tools to carry out your work in the best way. Outdated technology, lack of applications or office supplies are some examples.

7. Lack of training and development

When companies invest in the training of their employees, they can motivate them to perform better in their work. It can also help the workers to be more committed.

However, when this is not the case, workers can end up demotivated. There are many people who, when choosing a job, place a high value on training and development opportunities. Therefore, it is a disappointment when that is not fulfilled.

Both due to the lack of resources and training, workers can feel undervalued and abandoned to their fate, if the company does not seem to care about providing them with the necessary tools to perform their work in the best way.

8. Lack of promotional opportunities

Many people aspire to advance in their career. They are interested in their job position evolving, with new tasks and responsibilities. They hope to be able to aspire to a higher job category.

Having the feeling that there are no development opportunities, or that your boss does not seem interested in knowing your concerns about it, contributes to job dissatisfaction.

9. Bad work environment

Another important factor, considering that we spend many hours at work, is the work environment. Even if your job is not great, being around a team you get along with well can make up for it. Your peers do not have to be your friends. But a friendly, cheerful, collaborative environment goes a long way. On the contrary, a bad work environment can spoil the most satisfying job.

A bad boss can ruin your day at work and rid you of the desire to show up at the office. Maybe they are rude or even despotic. Perhaps they lack leadership, communication or management skills. Bosses are one of the main factors why people leave a job. Not trusting your boss or their management and leadership skills contributes greatly to job dissatisfaction. One often says for a reason: people do not leave companies; they leave their bosses.

On the other hand, being surrounded by colleagues who are not very communicative, uncooperative or rude can also discourage you from going to work. Worse still is if they are toxic and dedicate themselves to mobbing other colleagues.

10. Lack of purpose

Another cause for job dissatisfaction is the feeling that your job has no meaning or content, and that it does not add value. It is unrewarding not knowing what the tasks you do are for. It is demotivating to think that what you do is useless. Also, it is unsatisfactory if you lack work and the day seems eternal.

In this section we can also include the fact of having a job that brings the bread home but that you do not like at all. It is hard to spend many hours every day doing something that goes against your interests, strengths or what matters to you.

11. Incongruence with your values

Last, but perhaps the most important reason is core value incongruence. It means that some values lived in the company culture, by your boss or colleagues clash with what you consider very important. Perhaps you like order and are surrounded by chaos all day. Maybe respect is fundamental to you and it is not what you experience on a day-to-day basis.

I could give you many examples but the point is that this inconsistency causes you stress, dissatisfaction and can lead to burnout. Actually, it may be the origin and basis of the above reasons for job dissatisfaction.

Do you feel dissatisfied with your job?

If you suffer from job dissatisfaction, what are the effects and reasons in your case?

In another post we will see what you can do to overcome job dissatisfaction. In the meantime, have you thought about how you could improve your situation?

reasons job dissatisfaction causes dissatisfied at work dissatisfied with job sad woman
Image by Robin Higgins from Pixabay

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