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12 signs that you are too busy

signs you are too busy very busy so busy overworked woman
Being too busy can lead you to burn out & harms your well-being & health. Signs that you are too busy and what to do about it.

You do not take a break? Are you always doing something? Is your to-do list endless? Also, do you feel stressed or exhausted? Let us go through the signs that you are too busy. As well, let us see what you can do about it.

Why are you too busy

I invite you to reflect on why you are so busy. Do you have many obligations? Do you take on too many responsibilities or projects? Or do you set too many goals?

Do you accept all the invitations and sign up for all the events that catch your eye? Maybe you keep yourself busy because you would not know what to do if you were alone without a plan? Is it possible that you define your worth by how much you do?

When we are so busy, and even overwhelmed by work, we tend to make certain mistakes.

Signs of being too busy

As I mentioned in another post, being busy is not the same as being productive. If you want to be more comfortable with your life and dedicate your time to what matters to you, you should learn to do things better, not do more. So let us have a look at the signs that you are too busy.

1. Lack of concentration

You know you should do something, but you find it hard to focus. That is because your head is spinning with the thousand other things you want to do or think you should do.

What to do:

Write down everything that comes to your mind. Then decide what is important and what you want to do. Next, prioritise and plan your next steps.

2. You get easily distracted

Be it because of your own thoughts or because of other distractions around you, you have a hard time concentrating. That is why you jump from one activity or task to another.

What to do:

In addition to planning what to spend your time on, check the distractions around you to reduce them.

3. Disorder

Maybe your home or work space is messy and cluttered. Papers, notebooks, and other clutter pile up on your desk. In other rooms you have ā€˜disasterā€™ corners waiting for you to find time and motivation to clean them up. The thing is that clutter distracts us. It helps keep your head busy.

What to do:

Putting order helps to clear the head. That is why I suggest that you set aside time to clean up, classify or throw away whatever needs be. Then I suggest that you include cleaning up your desk in your routine at the end of the working day. Creating this habit will help you not accumulate a mountain of papers and stuff again.

4. Lack of creativity

You find it hard to come up with new ideas. Maybe you try to sit down and think; but your head is full of worries and pending tasks. Your mind jumps from one thought to another and you cannot focus and reflect deeply on one.

What to do:

Again, the first step is to write down your thoughts, concerns, pending tasks and ideas. Then I suggest a change of scenery. Go for a walk, get some exercise or a coffee for example. Do something that gets you out of your rut. But take a notepad with you in case inspiration strikes.

I also suggest that you regularly set aside a few minutes to think. We often get so caught up in everything we have to do that we do not make time for thinking.

5. You forget things

Your head is so full of your chores that you do not remember what you did five minutes ago. Ok, maybe I am exaggerating a bit. But do you remember what you ate yesterday? Do you have trouble remembering the names of people you know? Do you not remember what you have to buy at the supermarket? Or what time you have your doctor’s appointment or meeting this afternoon?

As you are too busy, it is difficult for you to remember the thousand things that you do and happen in your life.

What to do:

Try to write down all your appointments on the calendar. Also write down all the tasks and errands on a to-do list. Then decide which are the important ones of the day.

6. You have a hard time making decisions

Throughout the day we make many decisions; some small and some important. Therefore, as the day progresses we can suffer from decision fatigue. On the other hand, lack of self-confidence or fear can hold us back when making decisions. But it can also be the fact of being too busy. Because your head is so full of various issues, you have a hard time weighing the pros and cons of important decisions.

What to do:

Reserve a gap in your agenda for that decision that you have been putting off for a long time. The earlier in the day the better, because of what I was telling you about decision fatigue. Then write down all the pros and cons you can think of. If with that, you still do not have a clear decision, let your subconscious take in your notes. The next day review the list, write down more points for and against that you have come up with. If necessary, give yourself a deadline to finish making the decision and take action.

7. You are more busy than productive

You have so many things to do that you do not stop all day. However, at the end of the day you do not have the feeling of having achieved much. Your to-do list is still endless.

What to do:

Prioritise, prioritise, and prioritise. Take time to clarify your priorities. What are really the most important things for you? What activities and tasks contribute to it? Decide which are the most important tasks. Also think about how you can perform the most important tasks and other necessary and unavoidable tasks more productively.

8. You do not have time for breaks

You are so busy that you think you do not have time to take breaks. Neither for breaks during work and less to take days off. You think you are essential and that everything could fall apart if you are not there.

What to do:

Taking active breaks makes us more productive. In this way we clear our mind. Thus, we are more creative and productive later. At work, take a few minutes every now and then to get up to stretch your legs, or do some stretching or breathing exercises. Also plan days off and holidays. When the time comes, get your work organised and delegated so you can unplug.

9. It is hard for you to disconnect from work

When you finish work you keep thinking about work issues. Maybe you take the opportunity to answer emails outside of your working day. Or you turn on the computer again after dinner.

What to do:

A good work-life balance is important for your well-being. In addition, our mind needs to disconnect to recover. So, decide on a work schedule. Outside of it, spend time with your loved ones, with leisure and taking care of yourself.

At the end of the working day, check your emails one last time. Answer what is quick to reply. Write down on your to-do list whatever requires preparation for a response. Then check your to-do list. Cross out what you have done and decide what are the most important things to do the next day. Afterwards, relax by taking a walk, exercising or meeting up with friends. Anything that distracts you from work.

10. You find it hard to sleep well

As I was saying, when you are too busy, your head is overloaded with thoughts, worries and things to do. All unfinished business or ideas that eluded you during the day come back to haunt you at night.

As soon as you lie down and close your eyes, your mind goes into overdrive. Unresolved problems, things that you have not had time to do, things that you had forgotten, those ideas that did not come to you when you needed them… That way you have a hard time falling asleep.

It is also possible that you are able to fall asleep without problems. But suddenly you wake up in the middle of the night because you have remembered something. Or because your mind has turned those thousands of unfinished issues into a restless dream that makes you toss and turn in bed until you wake up.

What to do:

Sleeping well is essential to regain our energy. I suggest you create a relaxing nighttime routine. Try not to look at any screen (computer, TV, or smartphone) for a while before going to bed. Write down everything that comes to your mind in your to-do list or journal. Then spend some time reading a book, stretching, or meditating.

11. You do not maintain your relationships

You are so busy that you barely spend time with your family. And we better not talk about friendships. You have not seen or called your friends for a long time because you cannot find the time.

What to do:

We are social animals and we need interpersonal relationships. If you find it hard to find time to spend with your loved ones, schedule time with them like you would a meeting. Make fun plans, or if you are too busy, ask them to propose and organise something. Leave your work organised to dedicate 100% of your attention and enjoy the moment.

12. You have abandoned your interests

Do you remember what your interests are? Which are the hobbies you enjoyed? Maybe you have totally abandoned them because there always seems to be something else to do.

What to do:

Hobbies take us out of the rut. They help us clear our minds and relax. So think about which hobby you would like to take up again. Again, if you are having a hard time finding time, schedule slots in your agenda as if it were a meeting with yourself.

Other tips on what to do when you are too busy

There are more signs that you are too busy. But I think I have gathered the most important ones.

The essential thing to get out of this spiral is that you reflect on what is really important to you. Of everything you do, which things have to do with and contribute to your priorities?

There are always more things to do than time available. That is why it is essential to prioritise. Dedicate your time and energy to what really benefits you. And try to eliminate, reduce and rationalise the things that do not provide you much.

When you think about your priorities do not forget the importance of taking care of yourself. You only have one life and one body. Taking care of your well-being and health is key to having energy for what you want to do. We need to take time for ourselves even if it seems we do not have any.

Finally, enjoy the journey of life. Sometimes we are so focused on achieving goals that we forget to pay attention and enjoy each step. But life is really that: the path, not the final goal. So, do not lose yourself amongst too many activities. That way you will avoid reaching the point of feeling that everything is too much or suffering from burnout.

Are you too busy?

In which of the signs of being too busy have you recognised yourself? Do you want to get out of this spiral? If so, what steps are you going to take?

signs you are too busy very busy so busy woman post-its
Image from Freepik

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2 responses

  1. Oh Yes, I have experienced this for sure. Between not being able to sleep for fear of forgetting something or thinking about what’s on the list of things to do it happens. You have made me realize I need to add my breaks and me time to that to-do list. Maybe have it on the top of the list too!

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