[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Do you get up in a good mood and with energy? There are people to whom it seems to come naturally and as the day progresses they keep the good mood. However, maybe you try but there always seems to be something or somebody prepared to ruin your good mood. Then you ask yourself how others manage to always be in a good mood.
It is so easy to lose the good mood
You get up more or less well but right away it seems like the world has colluded against you? The neighbour above is making noise. There is no hot water in the shower. Your toast burns. The kids do not listen to you. Your partner seems to be determined to get into your way in the bathroom, kitchen or when you want to get dressed.
You leave home in a run, take the car and traffic jam. Or you get on the train and it is packed with people. You reach the bus stop and it has left in front of your nose. Finally you reach the office in a hurry and find the email box full. You ask yourself how that can be when you left all emails answered the day before. You have hardly booted up your computer when the first call comes in or your boss or a colleague show up with an urgency.
When you leave for lunch you find yourself next to somebody who seems to speak through a megaphone. The waiter takes long to get your order and then brings you a meal which leaves much to be desired. The afternoon in the office continues with interruptions, urgencies and contingencies.
After work you want to get some errands done. But wherever you go you find a queue or the shop closed. Finally you get home and drop down on the couch moody and tired. You turn on the TV and there is not anything decent on. You want the day to end hoping the next will be better.
Do you feel like the world is set on ruining your #goodmood? How to start the day in a good mood and keep it Share on X

How to start the day in a good mood
So, what can we do to start the day on the right foot?
Have a restful sleep
The first thing is to have a good rest. A good quality sleep does not only help us regain our energy but also to wake up in a better mood. Therefore make sure you sleep enough hours and rest well.
Get up on time
If, as soon as we get up, we are already in a hurry because we are going to be late to work, this really does not help our mood. So, consider how much time you really need in the morning to get showered, dressed and have breakfast. Depending on that, set the alarm sufficiently in advance in order to carry out your morning routine calmly.
Also, I suggest you take time to meditate, exercise, stretch or practice yoga. Even if it is just ten to fifteen minutes, starting the day dedicating time to yourself and your well-being will improve your mood.
Furthermore I recommend you get used to having a good breakfast. Be it with your family or alone, enjoy it without hurry. Chat to your family, read something inspiring or simply concentrate on the action of eating.
Do you start the day in a #hurry? Do get to work already #stressed? How to start the day in a #goodmood Share on X
How to keep the good mood
A calm and healthy morning routine raises our spirits. However, as the day progresses, many situations can shake our intention of staying in a good mood.
Pay attention to your attitude
Are there morning when you think āthis will be a hell of dayā, āsurely I will get told off again at workā, āsee how XXX will rile me upā or something similar?
Have you heard about the self-fulfilling prophecy? Well, this kind of negative thoughts and prejudices predispose us to a bad mood. As well, we transmit our mood as energy. That means that other people can consciously or subconsciously sense our sadness or happiness, anger or good mood.
If our attitude is negative, it is difficult that others react positively to our messages. Rather they will get defensive or aggressive depending on their character. So, watch your thoughts and try to replace them by more positive or at least neutral ones.
Become aware of your expectations
Often, we get riled up and stressed because things are not the way we would like, because othersā behaviours do not tally with our expectations.
Your partner leaves the alarm on for half an hour. Your kids take long in having breakfast or getting dressed. That driver who do does not respect the right of passage. The person entertaining the whole bus with their phone call. There are endless things we do not consider correct or well-mannered. But, believe it or not, people do not usually behave that way to rile you up deliberately.
What for one is rude for another is of little importance. What riles up one to the other does not matter. Each of us has a baggage of values, education and expectations. However, we all can decide how the baggage affects us and which attitude to face life with.
Do certain #behaviours and #habits put you in a #sourmood? How our #thoughts and #expectations influence our #stateofmind. #Attitude #goodmood Share on X
Let your tension out
When things rile us up easily it is usually due to being stressed. However, we sometimes do not realise that we are in a permanent state of tension. First of all remember that you decide how you want to feel. Your thoughts, product of your expectations, are what makes you annoyed about what is going on.
Secondly, I suggest you breathe evenly, concentrating on each inhalation and exhalation in order to calm down. Thirdly, accept that your expectations are not always fulfilled and remember that others do not behave in a certain way to rile you up. Realise that this thought is a bit narcissistic.
Fourthly, consider if you can do something to improve the situation. Can you draw the other personās attention to what annoys you? Will you be able to say it assertively? Will it be worth it if the other replies aggressively or will you feel worse then? It is better to choose your battles and accept that things are not always as we want. When something riles us up we had rather look inside ourselves first and assess our state of mind and attitude.
Act assertively
In the previous paragraph I suggested you choose your battles. Well, at home or work we can face situations that may ruin our good mood. When things that annoy us are important to us, to our cohabitation or for our work, it can be important to act in order to improve the situation.
However, I suggest you do not react hot-headed whilst you are annoyed or even angry. Only with calmness and accepting that others do not always behave as we would like, can we act with assertiveness. Sometimes it is necessary to make our limits clear in order to get respect.
What to do when something #rilesyouup and ruins your #mood and why to choose your battles. #Acceptance #calmness #assertiveness Share on X
Enjoy the small things
There are many ways to keep up the good mood. It is a matter of training ourselves to appreciate and enjoy them.
The fresh morning air in your face. The sunbeams warming your face. The trees swaying in the wind. The beautiful buildings in your path. The bus driver greeting you with a smile. The kind shop-assistant helping your find your size. A friend sending you a joke. A funny comment from a colleague. A hug with your partner. The smile of your kids when you pick them up from school. The inspiring book you are reading. Delivering a job well done. Receiving a compliment. The pleasant tiredness after exercising.
I could go on and on with all the things that can happen to us and are an opportunity to be in a good mood. We just need to appreciate them and delight in the moment. So, open your mind and senses to the opportunities to enjoy and smile.

Do things you enjoy
Though it may seem obvious, take time for things you like and have fun doing. Sometimes we seem to be too busy to enjoy ourselves. But if you want to improve your mood, take time for what makes you happy. Listen to music, sing, paint, read, meet with friends etc. Take time for enjoyment.
Too #busy to #enjoy life? How to be in a #goodmood Share on X
Smile just because
When we are in a good mood and enjoy ourselves, we smile and laugh more. This leads to a feeling of well-being as well as being beneficial for our health. We produce serotonin, the so-called happiness hormone then. This substance does not only have an influence on our state of mind. It also regulates the digestion, the body temperature, influences the sleep cycle and reduces aggressiveness.
But the curious things is that we can provoke the production of serotonin and, thus, an improvement of our mood. You cannot only manage this with exercise as you will surely know. Actually, putting a smile on your face, even if you do not feel like smiling, transmits the message to your brain that you are content. And that leads to you feeling better and improving your mood. So, when feeling down, try to smile for a while.
#Smile and the world smiles with you. Why smiling improves your #stateofmind. #Goodmood Share on X
How do you keep the good mood?
Do you wake up in a good mood or rather have a hard time? Which are your tricks to keep up the good mood throughout the day?
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