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What to do when you suffer from mental block

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]There are moments and even seasons in which we have a hard time focussing, creating and being productive. Our head seems to be empty. We do not manage to motivate ourselves despite all the tips that we have read on how to be creative or not procrastinate.

How do you feel?

Besides the mental block, do you feel exhausted, melancholy, apathetic or anxious? Pay attention to your body, your mind and your emotions. They can give you important clues about what happens to you. The sensation of mental block is usually a symptom of stress.

Reflect on what happens to you

The easy thing is to distract yourself with various hobbies, watching TV or checking social networks. But it is more useful to take time to think about what is happening to you. Do you have many things on your mind? Is something bothering you? Are you going through a phase of heavy workload?

I suggest you take paper and pen and write down what is going on and what you feel. Are there repetitive thoughts? Is there a subject that you brood over again and again? Write it down on paper. This simple act helps to clarify ideas and to unload your mind.

Do you suffer from #mentalblock? What you can do to overcome it. #stress #worries #overload Share on X

What can you do about it?

Once identified the cause of this mental block, consider how you can remedy it. Analyse that problem or that concern. What can you do to solve it? What can you do to feel better? Avoid the easy solutions of instant gratification that only help distract you from the matter that concerns you.

Let us see more in detail what to do when you feel overburdened with work and when you have concerns.

Image by 1388843 from Pixabay


What to do during a phase of high workload

You may find yourself in a phase where the days do not have enough hours for all the tasks you have. Even if you apply the Eisenhower matrix and would like to follow the recommendation to delegate tasks, there is no one to whom.

#Overburdened with #work? Having a hard time to focus, make decisions and be #productive? How to overcome the #mentalblock Share on X

Accept the situation

In this case, I suggest you first accept the situation. If you resist it mentally you will only get mentally blocked and unmotivated. Office work is not an assembly line where you can produce in advance for times of high demand. There are few tasks that can be advanced in anticipation of phases of high workload. So all that remains is to face the music in the best possible way.

Organise your work

Even if you feel overwhelmed, it is key that you take time to write down the tasks that arise and to decide which is the most important to get done at each moment. Consider what each task contributes and its deadline. Think about what tasks you can defer while you tackle the most pressing projects and tasks.

Take care of your body

During times of high workload we can tend to neglect our well-being. We eat just anything when we are hungry. We think we do not have time for sport. We tend to compulsive behaviors.

But it is just then that our mind and body need to be nurtured well, in the broad sense of the word. Pay attention to your impulses to eat junk food and rather consciously choose healthy food. You need nutrients and vitamins to be able to perform well.

Even if you think you lack time, one can always find moments for physical activity. Take a walk during a break or after lunch. Stretch in the morning, from time to time at work and also after work. If necessary reserve time slots in your agenda, as if you would with a meeting, for physical activity.

Take care of your mind

Control what you feed your mind. What information are you consuming? Do you consult social networks in a compulsive way? When you get home, do you drop on the couch, switch on anything on the television and fall into a catatonic state? If you want to watch TV, choose a program that you really like, entertains or even educates you. If you surf the internet, consume information that positively feeds your mind.

But after a day at the office I rather recommend some “offline” activity. Read a book, make crafts, draw or even clean up your home. Try to choose an activity other than looking at a screen that will help you disconnect.

If you have introduced the habit of meditation into your life, do not abandon due to lack of time or motivation. Mindfulness is a lifestyle and meditation will be good for you now more than ever.

Do you feel mentally blocked? Why it is important to nurture your #wellbeing and what else you can do to overcome #mentalblock. Share on X

What to do about worries

Let us say that you have identified that the mental block comes from problems and worries that you brood over again and again. As long as we do not solve what worries us, it will continue growing and conquering us. In fact, little by little we will make a mountain out of a molehill in our mind.

Do you have #problems or #worries you brood over again and again? Have a hard time focussing on other things? What to do. #mentalblock Share on X

Put it in writing

To clarify your ideas about that problem or those concerns, put them on paper. Define in writing what this issue that concerns you is about. Reflect why you have not resolved it yet.

Do you feel that you lack the necessary resources or knowledge? You may not know how to solve it. Then reflect on what you can do to approach yourself even just a tiny step towards solving the problem. Can you investigate the subject? Can you ask someone for advice or help? Write down all the ideas that come to mind.

Do you fear the consequences? The uncertainty of how a situation develops usually stops us from taking the step. Write down what you fear. What could be the worst that can happen if you try to face this problem? What can you do to reduce the risks or at least your fear?

pros and cons
Image by Pexels from Pixabay

Consider the pros and cons

When we have a hard time making a decision to resolve a concern, it is usually because it is an important step for us. The devil known seems more comfortable than the good yet to know. But life evolves and if we stay stuck our problems will only grow.

That is why it can be a good idea to draw up a list with all the points in favor of solving that problem and all the points against it. In the contra column include all the reasons you think there are against solving the problem. Think of the negative consequences that taking action may have in your opinion. Imagine what is the worst that can happen.

Among the pros, list everything you think can improve in your life. Think of the negative consequences of not acting. Also includes the relief you will surely feel when you have faced the situation. Do not forget the possible regret and resentment of not having dared to take the step.

Once you have your list, evaluate which side weighs in most, the one with the pros or the one with the cons. It is not a question of which column has more arguments. In fact there could be only one point in favor that outweighs all the counter-arguments that you have come up with.

Suffer from #mentalblock? Why you should take paper and pen to overcome it. Share on X

Life is not black or white

The changes and the uncertainty of what awaits us can worry and frighten us. But just as life is not white or black, but full of gray tones, think of all the possible solutions to your problem.

Maybe you have come up with only one solution that seems a bit drastic and that is why you are scared. Could there be any softer or more gradual solution? Can you take a small step in the new direction that allows you to assess the effects and then decide the next step and then the next?

You can change your mind

The sense of fatality can be another reason to fear taking a step. Despite not knowing the future, we do not want to go wrong. But think that today you make decisions with the knowledge you have. Later you may have more facts. But instead of thinking then “I should have done it differently”, do not regret it and remember that you made the best decision you could back then with the experience you had.

Also remember that nobody is infallible. Do not be afraid to admit that you may have been wrong. Depending on the situation, it is possible that you can backtrack. Although it will be more likely that when one door closed others opened. Maybe the chosen path was what you needed. Or it may have helped to detect other opportunities and gain clarity about what you want. Be it as it may, the fear of making a mistake should not stagnate you. The regret of not having tried is usually worse than the experience gained.

Enjoy the journey

Life is a road with many intersections. Throughout life we ā€‹ā€‹find ourselves faced again and again with the choice between several options. The important thing is that we enjoy the path, progress and learning while pursuing our goals. Objectives help us evolve and grow as well as advance towards our aspirations. But the goal should not be the sole purpose of the trip. Enjoy the learning along the way. Treasure the experiences you acquire and the unique moments you live.

Lean on your loved ones

You do not have to travel the path of life alone. Share your concerns and worries with people you trust. Maybe they can give you advice that you did not come up with. Perhaps you just need somebody who listens to you.

Although I hope that your loved ones do not only catch sight of you when you have problems. Be you up to your eyes in work or busy with your worries, take time to simply enjoy the company of your loved ones.

On their deathbed no one usually regrets having worked too little or given too little thought to their concerns. A common regret is usually not having spent more time with loved ones and not having enjoyed life more.

Facing #problems and #worries can be difficult. But until we solve them, they will continue growing in our mind. #mentalblock Share on X

Do you ever suffer from mental block?

When we feel blocked, we should stop and reflect on the cause in order to avoid reaching the point of burning out.

Do you ever feel that you have a hard time thinking clearly and being productive? How do you overcome that mental block? Do you stop to think about what really happens to you?

mental block
Image by engin akyurt from Pixabay


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