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6 tips to get out of the rut

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Do you sometimes feel stuck in a rut? Have you ever stopped and thought why that is? The feeling that all days are the same? That your life seems to consist of obligations and work?

Routine is not a bad thing

Having routines is actually not bad. A certain structure gives us security. Good habits help our well-being, productivity and motivation. Planning our days helps us achieve goals and decide more consciously which are our priorities and how to spend our time.

How much structure do you need in your life?

Some need more routine and structure to feel safe and satisfied. They plan out the days of the week and know what to do each day. Others feel bored by too much routine. Their routine is limited to going to work, eating several times a day, sleeping (the hours left) and maybe doing some activity or hobby at a fixed time. But too much planning or monotony every day bores them easily.

May you feel comfortable in your routine or have the feeling that all your days are the same and you seem a robot that works, eats and sleeps, it is recommendable to vary and look for new experiences.

What does feeling stuck in a rut mean

Too much routine and structure which do not leave space for improvisation or novelty trap us in comfort and even laziness. Our learning and development stagnates. Moreover, with time it will be hard to expose ourselves to new situations and we become more fearful.

When we feel stuck in a rut, it is usually due to a lack of good balance between what we consider obligations and what amuses and inspires us. It is usually due to a lack of novelty in our life. It can also have to do with carrying out many everyday activities almost on autopilot. Then a feeling of being stuck in a rut or even burned out can overcome us.

Feel #stuckinarut? How is your #worklifebalance? Do you live on #autopilot? How to #getoutoftherut Share on X


get out of the rut

How to beat the feeling of being stuck in a rut

From what we have seen the trick lies in a combination of good habits and getting out of monotony and stagnation. So here are some tips to get out of the rut.

1. Check your routine

Firstly, I suggest you check your routine, that is how you fill the hours of the day. In addition to satisfying basic needs, like eating or sleeping, to dedicating time to work and other obligations, how do you spend your time? Do you spend time with the people you love? Do you take time for your interests and hobbies? What do you do for your health? Is there place for fun in your life? Do you ultimately nurture your physical and mental well-being? Check if you have a good balance between professional and personal life, between obligations and fun.

Feel #stuckinarut? Check how you spend your time. Do you have too many #obligations and lack #fun and time to nurture your #wellbeing? #Getoutoftherut Share on X

2. Pay attention to everyday things

When we go through life on autopilot, the hours and even days fly by. What is more, we hardly remember everything we do and experience. Therefore I suggest you pay more attention to everyday things. Be it personal hygiene or domestic chores, be it the way to work for example, be mindful when doing the activities.

On your way to work or back home, when did you pay attention for the last time to everything you pass by: buildings, their faƧades, the trees, parks, gardens or people? Look for the beauty in the details. Delight in the greenery. Take in the smell of the grass.

As well, I suggest you take a moment, before going to sleep or when getting up, to go in your mind or with a diary through the experiences of the last day. Think about all the beautiful things that have happened, however small they may be. Happy or funny moments with other people, personal and professional achievements, learnings, things you are grateful for. This will help you better fix in your memory the positive things and motivate you to look for more experiences to make you happy. As well, you will learn to enjoy more the small things.

#Stuckinarut? How many everyday activities do you do almost on #autopilot? Pay full #attention to the small things and be grateful for the good. #Getoutoftherut #mindfulness Share on X

3. Vary your routine

Even though we have our daily or weekly routine that does not mean we cannot vary it a bit. Why not change the way home from work? As you go along choose a different route. Get off at a different metro or bus stop and walk the rest of the way. Instead of going straight home, go for a walk through the neighbourhood or park.

Go to the gym on a different day and even participate in a different class. Go running on a different day or at a different time.

Do the shopping at a different supermarket. Buy a different product like a different bread, a fruit or vegetable you have never tried. Speaking of food, look for a recipe for a meal you have never prepared.

Do you meet with friends every Friday or with the family for lunch every Sunday, maybe even at the same place? Why not suggest a change of day and place to provide all of you with a new experience.

As you can see there are many ways to introduce small changes in our habits.

Want to #getoutoftherut? Try to make small changes in your #habits and chores. #Stuckinarut Share on X

4. Get passionate and inspired

Do you consider your job just as an obligation? Think about what you like about your work in order to regain the motivation. Which tasks do you enjoy? How do you get along with your colleagues? Work occupies an important part of our day. So, just considering it something necessary, an obligation or even a burden does neither help our mood nor our motivation.

Remember also your passions. Which interests or hobbies have you abandoned? Which activities are you passionate about, have fun with and make you happy? Look for a way to dedicate time to them.

If you love art, when did you go to an exhibition, the theatre or a concert for the last time? If you like nature, when did you last go to the country, mountain, woods or take a walk in the park? Maybe you are passionate about handicrafts but have not made any in a long time. Perhaps you love to read but do not do it as much as you would like. Maybe you love and feel satisfied by helping or teaching others. Then look for a way to do it.

Be your passions what they may, taking time for what you enjoy wards off the feeling of being stuck in a rut.

#Stuckinarut? Remember your #passions, #interests and preferred #hobbies. Look for #fun and #inspiration. #Getoutoftherut Share on X

5. Look for novelty

The lack of novelty not only makes life seem more ordinary and monotone but also gives us the feeling that life passes more quickly. In addition, with novelty comes learning.

Is there something you have always wanted to try but have never dared to or not found the moment? Do not make more excuses and just do it. You do not have to do it alone. Why not ask a friend to come along.

Would you like to learn something new? Then reserve time for it. Learning about a new topic or gaining a new skill does not only get us out of the rut. It also helps our personal development and satisfaction and hence our self-esteem.

But daring to do things we have never done is not the only way to look for novelty. Hobbies also satisfy this aspect. Going to the theatre, a concert, a match or a museum are also ways of experiencing something new. Learning a new dance, learning to play or sing a new song, painting in a different style are other ideas. Even going for a walk in a park or forest we already know, but paying more attention to our surroundings can discover us something new.

If you feel #stuckinarut you might be lacking some #novelty in your life. This will #inspire you, #motivate you and improve your #selfesteem. #Getoutoftherut Share on X

6. Meet new people

However much we love our family and friends and like our co-workers, if we feel stuck in the rut we might need to get to know new people.

Look for networking events, talks, conferences, courses or workshops on topics that interest you. This is a way of getting out of the usual circle of acquaintances. As well you might hit it off with a person sharing your interests. Sometimes we abandon certain interests or hobbies because we do not have friends who share them. Maybe attending an event related to some interest you make a new friend to enjoy it with.

Or perhaps that talk or networking event simply is the opportunity for an interesting conversation, learning something new, discovering a new point of view on some topic or some inspiration.

Feel #stuckinarut? Maybe you lack some novelty. Try and meet new people at activities you are interested in and passionate about. #Getoutoftherut Share on X

Bonus: Laugh out loud

When did you last laugh uproariously? How often do you think you laugh per day? Did you know that kids can laugh up to four hundred times a day? However, the average among adults is only around twenty to thirty times.

When we become adults we learn to take life seriously. Being a mature person seems to be synonymous with not being amazed by experiences, with not laughing just because. But laughing is good for our health and well-being because it relieves tensions and stress.

So, let out your inner child and laugh heartily. Surround yourself with friends you can have a good laugh with. Watch a funny movie or play and laugh uproariously. Crack jokes with your family, friends and colleagues. Even when facing small adversities and when things do not go as you planned, take it with sense of humour.

Life is short and we only have one. Are you rather a grouch getting upset by everything or do you prefer to look on the bright and funny side of things?

Do you feel stuck in a rut?

Do you ever feel you are stuck in a rut? Have you thought what the reason might be? What do you do to get out of the rut?[/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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