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8 tips to be more productive

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Do you like the feeling that your workday has been productive; that you have managed to get things done? It surly gives you a sense of satisfaction. So, let us see some tips to be more productive.

1. Know the priorities and objectives

The first key to be more productive is to know what is most important. Ask yourself which are your company’s, department’s, boss’s and your own priorities. What are the strategy and objectives? Which actions contribute to their achievement? These are the priority tasks to produce added value.

With regard to carrying out these actions also think what is the desired outcome. In order to reach that outcome, which resources and information do you need? Which are the necessary steps to do and which information do you need to request from others?

The first step to being more #productive is to know the #strategy, #priorities and #goals. That way you know which are the #importanttasks that add value. #productivity Share on X

2. Plan your work

In order not to lose sight of the important, it is essential to take time to plan how we use our efforts and time. Therefore and to be more productive, I recommend you review what you have achieved and what remains undone. Then, with the priorities and main goals in mind, decide the actions to take. It is helpful to check the agenda and what awaits us the following month. Then think about the important things to tackle the next week. From there, you can plan each day depending on the progress made.

When planning also take into account the working hours and job of other people you collaborate with. Their availability can determine the best moment for certain issues. Depending on that, is it better to call or write an email? How long in advance should you request certain information in order to keep your deadline?

#Planning our work is key to be more #productive. What to take into account when planning. #productivity #priorities #goals Share on X

3. Determine the important and urgent

When deciding the order of tasks and actions, it is helpful to classify the issues by their degree of importance and urgency. There will be important and urgent tasks which need to be the first you tackle, of course. Then there are important issues which are not urgent. However, carrying them out contributes to reaching important objectives and, with that, to being more productive.

Then there are the urgent issues that arise. Before leaving what you are doing, consider a moment how urgent they really are and if you are the person to solve the issue. Lastly, we have tasks that are neither important nor urgent. Here, I suggest you consider if they really need to be done and, in that case, if you can delegate them. If you cannot delegate, I suggest you use silly moments for them. I mean to say moments in which your level of concentration is not enough for important tasks and projects.

How to discern what is most important and urgent

Sometimes it can be hard to determine what is most important and pressing with so many issues on the task list. If that happens, I suggest you pose the following questions. If you received an emergency call and had to leave in a hurry, which issue would you finish or delegate previously? If you could do only one thing a day, what would it be?

These considerations will help you put things into perspective and be more productive. Fortunately we can do more than one thing a day. However, sometimes we get trapped by contingencies and unproductive tasks which only fill our day.

If you could only tackle one task per day, which would it be? If you had to leave work right now, which task would you finish? How to discern the most important. #productivity #priorities Share on X

4. Set deadlines

If we have a certain pressure to finish an issue, we usually work quicker and more effectively. Often, the deadline is imposed. However, there can be tasks or projects without a clear deadline unless we set it ourselves. So, calculate how many hours of work the issue requires and set a reasonable deadline. With that I mean to take into account other tasks and responsibilities as well as contingencies that may arise.

5. Group similar tasks

When we switch from one task to another, it takes us time to change focus and concentrate, especially if the tasks are totally different. Therefore, a way of saving time is doing similar tasks in batches. Consider which issues you could group together so they take less time. It could be phone calls, errands, print, copy and file documents. You might need to deliver a document in a department and enquire something in another. So, make the most of the walk.

I also suggest you do not check your emails every time a new one comes in. Depending on your job you might need to stay on top of your inbox more or less and reply more or less quickly. However, even if you are expected to keep an eye and reply fast, this does not mean you need to check it every minute. Because that way you will not be able to concentrate on anything else. So, check it every certain hours and at that point manage all new emails.

Manage the emails

When you read an email, manage it right away. Reply immediately, mark and file it for follow-up, set a reminder if you need to await action from another person, file it or delete it. I suggest not to simply leave it in the inbox because then you will read it over and over again until you take action. As well, emails will pile up in your inbox and it will take you more time to clean it up.

6. Alternate different tasks

Tasks of distinct nature demand our level of energy, concentration and effort differently. That is why a good trick is to change the type of task after finishing another.

After working a while on a report it could be a good idea to make some phone calls. When you have been working some time on a presentation you might feel like stretching your legs. Are there issues you need to check with another department or some errand to make? Or you might need to search some information on the internet. Alternating between more and less demanding tasks, or at least demanding on a different level, helps to use your time to the maximum.

Tips to be more #productive: Do similar #tasks in batches and alternate between differently demanding tasks. #productivity Share on X

7. Mind the time thieves

Amongst the most common time thieves, there are interruptions and distractions. Phone alerts, email notifications, colleagues chatting and other environmental noises can make concentration difficult. If you want to be more productive, I suggest you silence the smartphone alerts of applications that are not essential for your work. If you use an email programme which notifies you with a pop-up window of new emails, I also suggest you consider turning the alerts off. That way you will feel less tempted to check on emails every time a new alert shows up.

When working with other people, interruptions are usually unavoidable. However, we can learn to manage them better as I explain in this post.

#Timethieves do not only steal our time but also #concentration. Manage #interruptions and #distractions to be #productive. #productivity Share on X

8. Get rest

In order to keep our level of productivity and concentration up, we need to rest from time to time. A break is recommended every hour. If you pay attention to your body, it will let you know when it needs a break. When you notice that your ability to focus drops, get up, stretch or go fetch something to drink. Talking of which, keeping hydrated with water or tea is also important to maintain your energy.

Even though you are very busy, I recommend you do not eat at your desk. Get away for awhile and eat somewhere else. This will help you clear your mind and regain energy.

Beyond the small breaks during the work day it is vital to recover ourselves. In order for that, disconnect from work and think about something else. Physical activity, hobbies, meeting with friends or spending time with the family allows us to take a break from work and have some fun. Also, make sure you sleep well and enough hours. Nurturing our well-being is the base for performing well and being productive.

Nurturing our #wellbeing is essential to performing well and being #productive. So take regular #breaks at #work. #productivity Share on X


Are you productive?

Do you think you are productive? Do you use any of these tips? Which other knacks do help you be more productive?


tips to be more productive[/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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